September 23, 2016

September 23, 2016

Meeting with TNL-Beryl and TNL leads

  • Messaging Library - do we need stevedore?
  • Versioning - add versions to templates
  • Presentation - don't have access to Transifex files in a centralized place

Example Template

CHANNEL = browser

<p> Hi [username], you are now # [leader_num] in [course_display_name]!</p>

CHANNEL = email

<p> Hi [username], you are now # [leader_num] in <a href="[course-link]" [course_display_name]</a>!</p>

CHANNEL = mobile

header: Leaderboard update

body: You are now # [leader_num] in [course_display_name]!

deep-link: [course-link]