Sync 2021-01-29
@Former user (Deleted) 's thoughts and findings
Source from library block
Adding another green box would be easier than “View Libraries”
does the full-page modal help?
M2.5… do it in 200 hours?
modernization of editors
there are 3 block editors that need modernization
Problem (aka CAPA)
HTML (not needed for MVP, maybe?)
because they are built directly into edx-platform make assumptions about the page upon whic hthey are being included
the rest of the block should work as-is
react/paragon is out of date in edx-platform
so, source-from-library and modernized editors will have to deal with this, or figure something creative out, for M2.5
randomized content
edX discovery on db format needed to determine size of this
Next steps:
@Former user (Deleted) → ADR on public read/learning
@Kyle McCormick (Deactivated) and @Dave Ormsbee (Deactivated) → initial brainstorming on import/include/export/serialize stuff
Friday 2/5 : Engineering sync (Adolfo/Kyle/Dave)
Friday 2/12: Next general sync