[BD-14] Sync 2020-09-15
Some existing discussion: https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/TNL-7403
Figma assets (also linked in Jira as of today - https://www.figma.com/proto/M8KdImlxlTdAuDIBP7igxT/Content-Library-Editing-(Low-Fi)?node-id=3%3A93&scaling=min-zoom)
Continue pushing off any serious header work while edX makes a decision
Recurring meetings
Find a weekly time: Friday at 11am EDT
Let’s use MIT Zoom or Google Meet
Make meeting co-editable
iframe boostrap html - should we use it? how to get it to work on stage?
https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/TNL-7428 (see very bottom of ticket)
edX will be discussing this tomorrow, hopefully
Current lean seems to be “keep xblocoks in secure sandbox”
stop-gap solution , timebox ~30 minutes:
@Former user (Deleted) will set up hosting for the file, send Kyle the URL
Kyle will configure Stage to point at that URL.
Kyle: Do you have any feedback for us Adolfo?
New approach to reviews is looking good
Continue UI design/feedback such as what we touched on in this meeting
edX will be meeting internally weekly-ish as well on BD-14, and other projects
Marco: having code on stage will help
we’ll have more of Ange and Gabe’s time to review/design UI over next few weeks
Adolfo: Iterative BD “refactorings” have been good to see
edX will be hiring T&L team manager soon, who would take Nimisha’s place in the meeting.
API documentation tools
It’s a library that Ned, Regis and Kyle worked on: GitHub - openedx/api-doc-tools: Tools for writing and generating API documentation for edX REST APIs
It helps us generate docs for https://courses.edx.org/api-docs and https://studio.edx.org/api-docs
Docs are auto-generated, but the decorators from the library help you fine-tune the docs and add detail.
Library still has some kinks to be worked out, but is generally usable.
Kyle: Don’t spend too much time fiddling with the library if you get stuck.
Sid used them a bit here in the library listing view.
Would it be reasonable for you folks to add docs for new/modified endpoints?
Answer: Yes, but consider this an experiment
Only for views that are new or being modified.
CCs could decorate other APIs if they’d like to
@Kyle McCormick (Deactivated) Will make an ADR/OEP for API documentation experiment
OEP or ADR in open-edx-proposals repo