[BD-14 Phase 2] Content Libraries & Editing

[BD-14 Phase 2] Content Libraries & Editing


Blended Project ID


edX Product Lead

@Chimuanya Okoro (Deactivated)

edX Technical Primary

@Kyle McCormick (Deactivated)



Provider Lead

@J. Victor Martins

Milestones, tasks, and budget

[BD-14] Content Libraries and Editing Project Overview

Calendly Scheduling Link


Slack Channel

edX Internal Slack: #external-openedx-bd-14-blockstore-libraries

Meeting Cadence / Project Rituals

We have two touchpoints each week to stay aligned. 

  • First on Tuesday for 30 minutes, standup style. 

  • Second on Thursday for 60 minutes, to cover other sprint rituals.

    •   One week backlog grooming, the next week sprint planning

Action Item Tracking

Small action items from meetings go on this page.

Escalation Path

Contacting OpenCraft: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COMM/pages/1529676506

Contacting T&L:

  • Non-urgent request → ping Kyle on Slack/GitHub/Jira/Confluence

  • Urgent request → teaching-and-learning@edx.opsgenie.net (alerts T&L’s rotating on-call engineer 24/7)

Status Update Frequency

We have two touchpoints each week to stay aligned. 

Blended Project Epic (Tracks pull requests)


Provider Main Developers

@Former user (Deleted) @Fox Piacenti @Sid Verma

Team Logisitics

  • We align our sprints, so that we start and end at (at least close to) the same time.

  • We have asynchronous sprint reviews, where we pass across demo videos and/or documentation highlighting what has been changed that sprint.

  • We have retrospectives at the completion of each milestone, including only the team members who were active in that milestone delivery.  The action items from these can be shared across asynchronously.

Open Questions:

  • Should we plan to groom each epic/milestone that is assigned to Opencraft as a team?

Project Milestones

Open Action Items

@J. Victor Martins To follow up internally(OpenCraft) regarding visibility into OC Jira instance. 
@Chimuanya Okoro (Deactivated) To follow up with Joao on milestone/issue assignments for the OC team so that the team can begin pickup work by 10/18.