Dec 9, 2021
@Adam Stankiewicz
Kavya Basu
Product tour spec
Figma spec
Should carat have option to be moved horizontally (offset to the left/right, centered)?
Might be possible. Would need some investigation. Popper might give us some flexibility.
Is the body content of the tour component flexible (can it accept any children content)?
Is dismiss for the entire tour or just this one particular message?
Language could be adjusted if needed (e.g., “Exit tour”).
Can these button labels be flexible to support different contexts? Yes.
What happens when the title heading is longer and wraps when the steps are shown?
There is an example!
Where is the HTML of the tour component put into the DOM? Does the dialog sit as a sibling to the target element or appended to the end of the body?
Hotkey to move focus between target and the tour is an idea.
Is there a way to get back into the tour from somewhere else on the page?
Is there a defined focus/hover styles for the Card?
Assuming it might use level-1 elevation styles ($level-1-box-shadow) for a shadow and a heavier border?
Can an example be added to Figma?
Is Card interactivity (with focus/hover styles) opt-in or default behavior?
[clarification] What are the a11y concerns for focusable/clickable cards?