AL: Data and Events
AL: Data and Events
- xAPI 101 - What is xAPI/LRS?
- xAPI
- xAPI is a simple but powerful format that uses an activity and verb structure to describe activities.
- The structure in simplest form follows the pattern: Actor, Verb, Object or Jack, Did, This.
- If you add some context to the activity, like learning objectives or indicators of competency, you can string along all the things Jack did as an activity stream.
- The xAPI activities are stored in a database called a Learning Record Store (LRS).
- The LRS is the endpoint for xAPI data and where the data is stored.
- Through an LRS, systems may communicate, or trigger events between each other about experiences/behaviors.
The competency infrastructure will describe learning goals in the form of objectives, tasks, competencies, context, and performance standards.
The content brokering portion will tag, index, and deliver learning content.
Learner profiles will tag and describe learners.
- xAPI
- Glossary
- Learning Record Consumer (LRC), Learning Record Provider (LRP)
- Metadata Consumer, Metadata Provider
- Architecture overview
- REST APIs using JSON format.
- Structural data interoperability: consistent data structure in the form of Statement objects.
- Standardizing API transfer methods: format of requests and the expected responses.
- 4 APIs: Statement API (tracking), State API, Agent API, and Activity Profile API.
- xAPI Components
- LRP sends LR to one or many LRSs.
- Activity identified by an IRI with metadata at the IRI. Metadata of an IRI controlled by Metadata Provider.
- Learner can have multiple Personas (Agents).
- LRS can aggregate Personas into one "Person" Object.
- Profile (set of rules and vocabularies - verbs, activity types, extensions, etc) need to be created for a particular use case, via Communities of Practice (CoPs).
- xAPI Data
- Example statements
- Actor can be an Agent or Group, identified by Inverse functional identifier, inspired by RDF's Friend of a Friend principle.
- Verb identified by an IRI, includes human-readable display names (in past tense).
- Object of a Statement can be an Activity, Agent/Group, SubStatement, or Statement Reference.
- Interaction Activities examples, including problem types (like true-false, multiple-choice, etc).
- Result includes score, completion, response, etc.
- Context adds additional context, such as platform, instructor, team, etc.
- Also property for parent, grouping, and category.
- Signed: Can be signed with a JSON Web Signature (JWS).
- Metadata IRIs used for:
- xAPI Communications: REST Resources, Security
- xAPI Communities of Practice: courses-scorm, social media, videos, simulations, competencies-credentialing, badges, etc.
- Tools
- ADL vocabulary
edX Enterprise Integration Efforts
- - ENT-835Getting issue details... STATUS
- - ENT-876Getting issue details... STATUS
- Enterprise xAPI Implementation Proposal