2022-08-10 Meeting notes

2022-08-10 Meeting notes


Aug 10, 2022


  • @Gabriel Weinberg



 Discussion topics











@Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

  • Multiselect Design questions

    • need design spec for multi select menu

      • Ben W - prefer checkbox form in menu

    • design exercise to figure out what kinds of properties/options the multiselect should have

    • Concern: Combining multiselect options with sort options (including non-multiselect options in the dropdown).

      • Can the multiselect checkbox form be a subcomponent that could be composed inside of

  • Design Reviews/Communication

@Jon F

  • Form.Autosuggest

    • Needs to go into engineering queue

    • @Jon F to reach out to Jeremy with regard to resourcing for the implementation.

    • @Jeff Witt (Deactivated) to review the implementation for a11y.

    • JeffW: Should the edx.org autosuggest search also use this Paragon Form.Autosuggest? The categorization of results in the dropdown might be a one-off use case, for now (design action item).



@Jeff Witt (Deactivated)

web components??

Do we have an objection to using web components from other libraries? The example is accessible color picker. No principled objections. Leaning into web components help with future proofing.



@Vladyslav Zadorozhnii

  • Chip component difference in the Multiselect and in the Chip itself


  • Can we use Chip inside Multiselect?

    • [Ben W] Sounds more like we should be updating our chip to include the new color (gray) and behavior options (independent close icon button/hover behavior), and THAT should be also used in the Multiselect.

    • Additional option: make chip use variants for badge, but will need an outline variant to match the chip’s light variant - Secondary task

 Action items


  1. Chip component and multiselect chip should be the same component, and should behave like the multiselect component.
  2. Dropdown behavior for multiselect still has design considerations