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10 minutes | NavBar | @Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated) | === Component header Will it ever be a child element? Skip nav link. Is this baked into the component already? Will we have to add it? Subcomponents: Optional search form Login area Menu items are tertiary
A11y Responsive Does Navbar support co-branding (multiple logos in header)? E.g., for enterprise use cases where edX logo and enterprise customer’s logo is shown.
5 minutes
| Weekly meeting time change
| @Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated)
| accommodate for more US-based team members Move up to 11am EST instead. Conflicts with Raccoon Gang end of day meeting if we move it to 11am We’ll extend to an hour instead of 45 minutes, just to have the time as needed.
5 minutes | Floating labels (future?) | @Jeff Witt (Deactivated) | Issues with WCAG 2.1 support for autofill attribute Text box and input controls, floating labels, animation, no need for JS, placeholders for a11y were usually too light, most screen readers don't speak them, our solutions were fine Now WCAG 2.1 has an autofill, if we have a floating label, the autofill goes where placeholder should be and obscures readability Floating label thing might not be workable going forward. Can we explore a different pattern? priority level 3 a11y concern right now (we should prioritize, but no time urgency). Either solve the current floating label issue or create new design solution without floating labels Hint and error text ideally above the inputs instead of below [Adam] including both patterns for labels will avoid a breaking change [Jon] Clarity on error above input.
5 minutes | BD-39 | @Ben Warzeski (Deactivated) | BD-39 is ready for initial merge Making it so that its possible to use latest Paragon in edx-platform. This is only for the foundations for latest paragon to be used, but doesn't actually cut anything over quite yet. We will bring up the discussion around a new single file build for Paragon next week or discuss async in #paragon-working-group Slack.