2022-04-04 Meeting notes
Apr 4, 2022
@Adam Stankiewicz
Take a few minutes to add any other topics for discussion, vote on topics (if needed), and discuss!
* [inform/discuss] BD-39 effort to upgrade Paragon in legacy repos edx-platform and studio-frontend is nearing QA.
Working through build issues and breaking changes.
The result of this would mean edx-platform and studio-frontend can begin using all latest Paragon components and features that have been added since the last time Paragon was upgraded on v2.
* [discuss] Making Paragon framework agnostic with web components
If folks at 2U at increasingly interested in adopting Paragon but are blocked by not using React in their tech stack, this could be an interesting solution.
What might be the relative priority on this?
3 options:
get people on board w/ react
re-architect as web-components-first
monkey-patch (with holes)
[discuss/demo] Paragon Playground
Do we find this sort of thing valuable (why or why not)? Is it worth investing in?
Should we release something small and gauge interest in the feature by actual usage attempts?
Demo: https://deploy-preview-1212--paragon-openedx.netlify.app/playground/
Inspiration: https://openchakra.app/
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |