LabXchange 2018-05-03
LabXchange 2018-05-03
- Use Case document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MqZIsMBIKReapMNmEI35AT7G1Zlc8T2zvQn8qr_KfUs/edit#
- xBlocks that need to be supported
- Video
- Files
- Current use cases are basic ones. Open questions from last week still hold.
- By introducing blockstore, from the user's experience, what current edX features still need to work?
- Configuration settings (that may be at the course or subsection level)
- Things that are currently at the subsection level
- Grades
- Exams
- xBlock runtime
- Hierarchy requirements for LabX
- Only at the Pathway level
- Randomized content in LabX?
- LabX frontend doesn't need to change much to support this.
- Don't need to increase scope further for this.
Action Items
- Braden MacDonald POC of LabX backend - with business logic - to drive API requirements
- Ian Saunder Use cases review and update
- Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated), Dave Ormsbee (Deactivated) Review use case doc
- Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) Greg Sham (Deactivated) Dave Ormsbee (Deactivated)
- Meet with Nell to review the license related use cases.
- Meet with Adaptive group to review and add to use cases.
- Meet with edX Product (Marco Morales (Deactivated), Shelby Quinn (Deactivated)) to review and add to use cases, and ask "By introducing blockstore, from the user's experience, what current edX features still need to work?"
, multiple selections available,
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