| Plugin for data API is being explored as an option by Tobias at MITx
| @Tobias Macey | Initial use case is related to exporting the course content. Another need is enriching block ids with human facing names and follow bread crumbs through course navigation Andy asks about the list of users for the course – this data is “toxic waste” and fill of PII that you would not want to get by mistake. Expected to use celery facilities for asynchronous Does this need to cover CCX courses? Would this plugin need to reach across boundaries and use ORM models from other apps? Is the long term vision batch forever or is streaming changes part of their future plans Is there any design docs for the data API? MIT are currently in the early discovery phase and the data that will be pulled hasn’t been fully defined. API is focused on raw data now, not core metrics.
MIT code will be in a public repo, and will publish details about design and progress in the Data Working Group channel. Is the plugin model baked enough to consider it a best practice for decomposing the monolith? CI protections are still weak. This was one of the goals of the events and signals work Overall, stable APIs are emergent and not robust yet.