Data WG 2022-05-05 Meeting notes

Data WG 2022-05-05 Meeting notes


May 5, 2022


  • @Edward Zarecor

  • @Julien Maupetit (France Université Numérique, aka FUN)

  • @Former user (Deleted) (FUN)

  • Sergio Simonian (DATUM/FUN)

  • @Dean Jay Mathew (ABC Online Courses)

  • @Andy Shultz (Deactivated) (2U)

  • @Maria Fernanda Magallanes Z (eduNEXT)

  • @Tobias Macey (MIT Open Learning)


  • Summarize and discuss the conversation from the in-person working group meeting in Lisbon

  • Agree on the plan for the working group “sprint 0”

 Discussion topics










Summary of Conference meeting

@Edward Zarecor

  • @Edward Zarecor proposed based on conversations at the conference that we focus our groups efforts on designing and building a community supported “data lake” initially focused on the event log, i.e., learning traces

  • This proposal was offered to give the group something to react to.

  • There was not universal agreement that this was the right approach.

  • An alternative starting point of focusing on OLTP data from the lms database was offered by @Andy Shultz (Deactivated) focusing on enrollments

  • Other possible areas of interest mentioned were

    • grades

    • engagement

    • demographics

  • @Julien Maupetit of FUN mentioned that they are focused on the events today and specifically on Video engagement. Quiz answer are not supported today, but are a likely next area of investment.

 Action items


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