June 18, 2024 - Core Product Meeting notes

Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ayTuuxpDgBJi54N3hmljhzPRfqecbBuG/view?usp=drive_link


Attendees: @Jenna Makowski @Marco Morales @Chelsea Rathbun @Sarina Canelake







Product Proposals - Board Review


Regular round robin to check on statuses of all in-progress reviews

Open edX Roadmap • openedx

Redwood update



Review action items from last week










Action items from last week:

@Ali Hugo to update the Product Review Process docs to include info about developing atop recent releases and clarifications on points of confusion she encountered
@Jenna Makowski to update the product proposal template
@Ali Hugo to finish up her release testing
@Sarina Canelake to update automation on the product board, and close old tickets
@Sarina Canelake to respond to Braden in the forum thread linked above
Product Release Notes - add images to zip file with titles @Chelsea Rathbun @Jenna Makowski
@Cassie Zamparini follow up on final comments on Product Review Process page
All PMs: Make sure your developers have instructions on how to turn on optional features in the Operator Release Notes (PR here https://github.com/openedx/docs.openedx.org/pull/507 )