July 16, 2024 - Core Product Meeting notes

Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/153IZNtG3vsUm5skWt7qC1fuq6wjUZ64R/view




Action items from last week:

Refining and attending to comments on the Product Review Process page @Cassie Zamparini (to be discussed in call on 6 Aug)

Action items for next week:

@Marco Morales to update xblock config proposal based on feedback
@Dave Ormsbee (Axim) to share list of all 47 xblocks
@Jenna Makowski to take a pass through the xblocks and share findings next week


Open feedback notes:

Why enable xblocks at all? Why not just have them all enabled? Every xblock installed in the system should be enabled and categorized/metadata

Product project - to actually decide which xblocks are useful for authors

Actually two problems

-installing and using xblocks

-discovering xblocks

  1. list of al xblcoks

  2. descriptions and metadata

  3. product decisions about which are core


Idea for prototype - all xblocks could be simply identified and dumped into advanced tile - that would be the low effort cut to remove the json field

-narrative - no longer need to configure advnaced xblocks, and we do a simple layer of product curating