2023-05-11 Frontend Working Group Meeting Notes


May 11, 2023


  • @Pedro Martello

  • @David Joy (Deactivated)

  • @Fox Piacenti

  • @Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)

  • @Ghassan Maslamani

  • @Mohammed Abdullah

  • …more folks, but Zoom won’t record the names of those who didn’t speak and had their video off


 Discussion topics









15 Minutes

Open edX Piral Demo

Pedro Martello

Presentation of the Open edX Piral POC demonstrating how to implement a Piral shell to load MFEs into a single page app context. For background see:

5 minutes

Palm update

Adolfo Brandes

  • eduNext has volunteered to maintain frontend-app-communications!

  • That leaves ora-grading: still on Adolfo’s plate…

  • … learner-dashboard: somebody needs to write an experimental plugin for it…

  • … and the Node 18 update: it’s also on Adolfo’s plate to figure out what’s blocking that

    • Jeremy: it’s unblocked now (TL;DR - frontend-enterprise has release automation that currently doesn’t work with the CLA check, but there’s a manual workaround now)

1 minute

react-router & React upgrades

Jeremy Bowman

These are coming after the Node 18 upgrade concludes

5 minutes

Deprecating more legacy UI code

Jeremy Bowman

We want to do more coordination and planning for replacing legacy UI code with MFEs; the DEPR WG meetings are the currently proposed venue for conversations around this.

 Action items

@Adolfo Brandes will start joining the DEPR WG meetings to help move the legacy UI deprecation project forward
