2023-10-26 Frontend Working Group Meeting Notes

2023-10-26 Frontend Working Group Meeting Notes


Oct 26, 2023


  • @Brian Smith

  • @Cindy Nguyen

  • @Fox Piacenti

  • @Jason Wesson

  • @Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)

  • @Mena Hassan

  • @Adolfo Brandes


 Discussion topics









5-60 minutes (depending)

Pluggability Summit Recap

@Adolfo Brandes

Effectively communicating these Plugin POC decisions:

  • Brian wants to make sure this meeting’s communications are expressly shared out.

    • Decisions action added

    • Adolfo: If and when we merge the plugin framework to learner dashboard, the components that would be made into a plugin should be made into plugins next-stop.

From Jeremy Bowman: are the other plugin proposals possible in implementing in practice?

  • Adolfo: not opposed to merging Braden’s PR for course-authoring (UISlots)

  • Brian likes the idea of getting multiple proposals in different MFEs. It solves the communication issue by making it obvious that several proposals are being tested.

Adolfo would like to make this merge of two proposals as a new POC.

  • Adolfo: next step between orgs is to have a meeting when it makes sense to pick the better pieces of both Jason/Braden’s proposals, with plans to implement them in Learner Dashboard as soon as possible. (Immediately-involved persons are Kelly Buchanan, Brian Smith, Adolfo Brandes, Jason Wesson)

    • The Tutor org might not like having to host an artifact somewhere else (like an MFE), and if we can have the default behavior of Braden’s proposal in there somewhere before the next release it’d be nice.

    • Jeremy Bowman: we could cut branches for Quince and would potentially help make a decision before the next release.

    • Adolfo’s small hope is making org-specific stuff extracted and back ported for Quince. If we can hide that stuff with flags, it’s okay for now but not okay for next release.

Piral in Learner Dashboard??

  • Adding Piral into this next discussion on Plugins POC

 Action items


  1. We’ll call Braden’s proposal for UI slots “UI Slots”
  2. We’ll communicate the idea that we can prototype different plugin architectures in different MFEs