2023-08-08 CC Working Group Meeting Notes

2023-08-08 CC Working Group Meeting Notes


Aug 8, 2023


  • @Pierre Mailhot

  • @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)

  • @Emad Rad

  • @Jorge Londoño

  • @Maria Grimaldi

  • @Samuel Paccoud

  • @Jesica Greco

  • @Cristhian Garcia

Recordings and Chat Log 🎥

 Discussion topics










Translation issue (by @Pierre Mailhot): “translation problem with frontend-app-communications not harvesting strings or being in Transifex” - who is the right person to talk to? (ref)

@Jorge Londoño & @Pierre Mailhot

Pierre indicated Brian Smith and Adolfo were already looking into the issue. A conversation ensued about who is currently maintaining the front end app communication, with Maria suggesting that Adolfo is temporarily maintaining it, until eduNext takes over. Jorge offered to reach out to Adolfo for more on this, as Pierre observed that this micro frontend is mandatory for Palm and this issue could be significant for different languages.

Action items:


PR Review Delays & Maintainership phase 3: looking to continue the discussion from the last meeting. Subtopics:

@Jorge Londoño

PR Review Delays

Input was limited, and Jorge encouraged everyone to review the relevant thread to contribute ideas.

Action items:

  • All are encouraged to review and contribute to the PR Review Delays thread.

Maintainership phase 3

One of the goals was of phase three, which hasn't started yet, was to have all of the repos that are installed as part of open edX under maintainership. But there appears to be a lack of direction regarding the start date and definition of the included repositories. Ned suggested much of the work is awaiting leadership and decision-making. Jorge promised to reach out to Ed, who is in charge of the program, to explore how to get more help moving forward.

Action items:

  • @Jorge Londoño to reach out to Ed to explore how the community can better support the maintainer program Phase Three.

Additional question:

Are all the members of this program contributors? Is that a prerequisite or not?


Site Operations module for the Dev Onboarding course (by @Sarina Canelake): “This would be a high level overview of how to get a site running with Tutor. If these instructions exist in any form could someone point me at them?” (ref)

@Jorge Londoño

Jorge asked for input from members familiar with the Tutor documentation, but nobody seemed to know.

Action items:

  • @Jorge Londoño to reach out to Regis regarding the Tutor documentation for the Site Operations Module.


Broken Order History bug (by @Pierre Mailhot) - anyone else running e-commerce on Palm or Olive?

@Jorge Londoño

Pierre shared that the problem was specifically patchable from his end, as he had made necessary adjustments in his use of Tutor Ecommerce. Since he seem to be the only reported case and that it is now fixed for him, Pierre said it could be considered closed until other users to report similar issues before pushing for a community-wide solution.

No next step necessary.


TOC Decision Requests: Looking for suggestions, comments and questions about OEP-63

@Jorge Londoño

Without familiarity with the specific issue, Jorge encouraged the team members to review the thread for better insights before the next discussion.

Action items:

  • Obtain missing responses and feedback needed on the OEP PR (@Xavier Antoviaque @Edward Zarecor )


Rescheduling the meeting - it currently conflicts with both product working group meetings, and with TOC meetings. Rescheduling could also be a way to attract more people, especially now that we have evolved the concept a bit? If ok, @Xavier Antoviaque can post a forum thread with a poll.

@Jorge Londoño

There was a (silent) agreement to poll the community to decide a new meeting time.

Action items:

  • @Xavier Antoviaque will start a community poll to reschedule the meeting

    • => Done at