2023-05-03 Data WG Meeting notes
May 3, 2023
@Ty Hob
@Cristhian Garcia
@Maria Grimaldi
@Zia Fazal
@Edward Zarecor
@Former user (Deleted)
Wilfried Baradat
@Julien Maupetit
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
5 min | Funded contribution updates | @Ty Hob |
15 min | OARS production performance testing | @Cristhian Garcia @Maria Grimaldi | EduNEXT has been trying out OARS on a fairly large production site. I’m hoping they’ll present on it. Otherwise I’ll try to summarize what we’ve seen so far. |
10 min | Event Sinks | @Ty Hob | event-sink-clickhouse is a new type of plugin project, created to listen for Signals and Open edX Events and transform / send them asynchronously to different backends. I just want to socialize this pattern a bit as a way to share platform data in novel ways. Add ClickHouse event sink support by bmtcril · Pull Request #35 · openedx/tutor-contrib-aspects |
10 min | Verifiable Credentials Events | @Edward Zarecor | We have been working on creating support for the Open Badges 3.0 and VC data model into the Credentials IDA. We didn’t think deeply about eventing these new iteractions.
5 min | Campus roadmap | @Edward Zarecor | There are a couple of groups pushing features for making the platform a better solution for on campus use cases. Analytics is one of their big needs. Discuss. |