2022-09-19 Meeting notes

2022-09-19 Meeting notes


Sep 19, 2022





 Discussion topics










Live theming discussion

@Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

We have PRs coming in requesting to change some colors over to css variables from scss variables. What is the plan here?

  • Push for sync w/ Xitij and managing team

PR escalation path

@Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

Dark dropdown PR has been sitting around for a bit. What is the escalation path to merge?


Support Tool MFE paragon version

@Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

support tool is on an old version of Paragon and people want to add to it. Can we use this (and situations like it) to encourage the owners of the repo to update

  • Who is the Phoenix Squad? Who can we contact there?

  • How do we make this a repeatable / quick process?

    • Who should be responsible for escalating version upgrades like Paragon for owning squads?

  • There’s also no Figma for older paragon versions, either.

  • Owning squad: Is it Aperture?

  • Are product squads aware they can escalate/delegate to FED-BOM? FED-BOM (via Jeremy) could start syncing regularly with squad managers for this as well.

  • Communicate size and reasoning to help with prioritization and communicating the “why”?

  • Should the PWG leadership group be responsible for informing owning squads that they have out-of-date Paragon?

    • Via tickets or…

    • Can we automate messages to owning squads about out-of-date repos (e.g., new Jira tickets)?

    • Can we treat this like dependency upgrades?



@Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated)

Adding missing components to Figma.

New community member (designer) from Open edX – Ben

  • 2U Design team to figure out how to work with external design contributor.


 Action items


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