August 13, 2024 - Core Product Working Group

All public Working Group meetings follow the


Aug 13, 2024


  • @Chelsea Rathbun

  • @Glib Glugovskiy

  • @Asma Ahmed

  • @Leonel Katsikaris

  • Zameel Hassan

  • @Cassie Zamparini

  • @Ali Hugo

  • @Sarina Canelake

  • @Jenna Makowski

Meeting Recording and Transcript

AI Summary

Product Proposal Board Review

The meeting commenced with a review of the product proposal board, which highlighted several new proposals that had no status assigned. There was a concern expressed over the capacity of the team, as many members had a significant amount of proposals already under review. The team discussed the status and potential reassignment of certain proposals. For instance, one proposal was moved from an undefined status to "backlog," a term clarified during the meeting as indicating approved projects that are not currently in development. The group conversed about the need for clearer status names to avoid confusion and dependency on a glossary. It was suggested that the focus should be placed on completing reviews before adding new tasks, and efforts were made during the meeting to categorize various proposals correctly, assigning some to backlog and others to review or new statuses. Several specific proposals were discussed, with various team members taking responsibility to follow up or move them to the appropriate next steps.

Improvement of Proposal Review Process

Later in the meeting, discussions pivoted towards the proposal review process. There was a debate about the current state and modifications of the review process to streamline and clarify the status labels and definitions. Cassie presented a cleaned-up version of the product review process document, emphasizing making the content more accessible and reducing the need to switch between multiple documents. She invited feedback on her revisions and stressed the importance of providing a centralized source of truth. There was a call for a more straightforward language for status labels that would be universally understandable, moving away from jargon-laden terms to more clear and actionable phrases like "Please work on this." The session concluded with considerations on how to improve synergy and understanding across the team regarding the use of labels and statuses in project management. [00:10:00-00:30:00]

Marketplace Proposal Consideration

Towards the end of the meeting, the focus shifted to a proposal concerning the development of an open edX marketplace. There was a detailed discussion about how to integrate various projects with overlapping themes into this marketplace concept efficiently. The dialogue included strategic alignments, potential technicalities, and how proposed projects might synergize or conflict with existing workflows. Future meetings were scheduled to ensure thorough exploration of these proposals, emphasizing the need for clear product categorization that would accommodate both new and existing users of open edX efficiently. The upcoming community meetings were identified as opportunities to further discuss and refine these ideas.

The next meeting was scheduled to further these discussions, with a focus on collaboration and refining the proposal integration processes.

 Discussion topics










Product Proposals - Board Review


Regular round robin to check on statuses of all in-progress reviews

Open edX Roadmap • openedx


Product Review Process and Community Release Planning

@Chelsea Rathbun

Raising a question that came up during our recent Community Release Planning Meeting:



Refining the Product Review Process

@Cassie Zamparini

Discuss the updates made to the Product Review Process page

 Action items

@Jenna Makowski Break out backlog into two statuses - resourced / not resourced (Add to product review process)
Add step to product review process - when product proposals are approved and moved to the backlog (when they have a team), they should be added to the community release sheet
