2024-01-10 Meeting notes

2024-01-10 Meeting notes


Jan 10, 2024


  • @Adam Stankiewicz



 Discussion topics









15 minutes

Paragon maintainership handoffs

@Adam Stankiewicz

2U/edX is handing off maintainership to Axim more formally. Part of this includes ensuring the following handoff items are discussed.


  • [Brian] Axim can use existing or new GitHub user

  • [Brian] The main goal is to drive more community contribution to Paragon, with Brian taking on the responsibilities or leading that effort

  • [Brian] PWG will remain, but we want more people to get involved in the design system

  • Might be helpful to have a base theme Figma that Open edX consumers can leverage

  • “Load a theme” instead of having a theme switcher in the future


Next steps:

  • Brian working with Adolfo to find contributions, especially design tokens

  • Gabe attend next Product Working Group

5 min

List height in the Dropdown component

@Vladyslav Zadorozhnii

[Playground] List height in Dropdown component · Issue #2988 · openedx/paragon

  • [Gabe] Q: how is the default height of the Dropdown determined?

    • Is it determined by maximum number of visible dropdown items? More nuanced, e.g. never taller than the viewport?

    • [Vlad] Should this be responsive? E.g., 5 items for mobile-sized viewport; 10 items for desktop.

    • Might be worth testing in mobile specifically.

  • [Brian] Screen width can be large while having a narrow height. Our breakpoints are width-only.

    • [Ben]: narrow height probably not as big of a concern.

    • Should we simplify to just pick a constant number?

  • [Adam] What about responsiveness based on the container the Dropdown is rendered in? Rendered container width !== always equal viewport responsiveness.

  • [Brian] Are there existing use cases of Dropdown in platform today we could draw from as prior art?

  • [Ben] semantic ui provides decent Dropdown examples to compare against our Bootstrap-based Dropdown.

  • [Mahdiye] Are there alternative UI paradigms to consider here?

    • Q: Is there a search box within Dropdown?

      • Yes? Actually, no. Some consumers extend Dropdown to include a custom search, but this is not upstream in Paragon itself.

      • How does this relate to usage guidelines around Form.Autosuggest? Should the “max number of items displayed” consideration apply to Form.Autosuggest as well.

  • Tenative decision: reduce number of items displayed in Dropdown based on responsiveness. Details TBD.

5 mins

ModalDialog overflow

@Brian Smith

feat: allow consumers to configure ModalDialog to allow overflow by brian-smith-tcril · Pull Request #2939 · openedx/paragon

  • [Gabe] Any mobile/responsiveness considerations where the overflow could cut off?

 Action items

@Adam Stankiewicz document Algolia DocSearch configuration and open PR with editor config.


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