Open edX 2018 Presentations

Open edX 2018 Presentations

Note: follow the patterns here: 2015 Open edX Presentations

Talks and Keynotes



SESTopicPresentersSlides and other materialsYouTube
10:00–10:30am B2285 Jean-Lepage Amphitheater, Pavillon Jean Brillant, UdeMReimagine EducationAnant Agarwal

10:30–11:00am  B2285 Jean-Lepage Amphitheater, Pavillon Jean Brillant, UdeMKeynote: MOOCs 2025

Dr. Fiona Hollands

11:00–12:00pm  B2285 Jean-Lepage Amphitheater, Pavillon Jean Brillant, UdeMThe State of Open edX

Slides (pdf)

Slides (PNG)

1:25–2:00pm Granby Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Building blocks for adaptivity: a modular architecture for adaptive learning implementation and researchAndrew AngSlides

1:25–2:00pm Lévis Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealContent is King: Making Open edX beautifulKrishan Meetoo
1:25–2:00pm Sherbrooke Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealThe Good, The Bad, The Ugly: Lessons Learned from Launching a Global Enterprise Learning Platform Based on Open edXSlides
2:10–2:45pm Granby Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Extending Open edX to Support Integration with your Enterprise Systems
2:10–2:45pm Lévis Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealJupyter-based courses in Open edX: authoring and grading with notebooks
2:10–2:45pm Sherbrooke Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Partnering for success – Microsoft's journey with Open edX on Azure
  • Pankaj Dikshit
  • Saravanan Palaniyandi
  • Jhansi Reddy
2:10–2:45pm  L’Oréal Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal  Teachers Training Micro-Learning Innovative Model: Opportunities and ChallengesEran RavivSlides
3:15–3:50pm Granby Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal BigBlueButton: Integrating real-time collaboration for increased engagement

Nate Aune Fred Dixon

3:15–3:50pm L’Oréal Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Building an online M.S. with Open edXElliott Visconsi
3:15–3:50pm Sherbrooke Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal How we built a comprehensive Online UniversityDavid Mackensie

3:15–3:50pm Lévis Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal  State of the Open edX Frontend
4:00–5:00pm B2285 Jean-Lepage Amphitheater, Pavillon Jean Brillant, UdeMKeynote: Georgia Tech's Online MOOC-based Master ProgramZvi Galil



SESTopicPresentersSlides and other materialsYouTube
10:00–10:35am Sherbrooke Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealAPDC Digital Academy: the Tech Human Learning PlatformSlides
10:00–10:35am Lévis Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Future Directions of Open edX ArchitectureNimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated)
10:00–10:35am Granby Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Mastering Open edX development across four continents

10:00–10:35am L’Oréal Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal What can be learned from Natural Language Processing of MOOCs?
  • Eric Christopher
  • Jeffrey Cross
  • Nopphon Keerativoranan
  • Naoaki Okazaki
  • Zarina Rakhimberdina
10:45–11:20am Sherbrooke Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal  From MOOC to SOOC an Unexpected Journey
  • Ignacio Despujol
  • Leonardo Salom
  • Carlos Turro
10:45–11:20am Lévis Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal  Gamification in LearningPhilippa HardmanSlides
10:45–11:20am L’Oréal Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealGlobal Learning - Social Impact, Social ResponsibilityKrishan MeetooSlides
10:45–11:20am Granby Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal  Map and overview of all technologies used in Open edXDaniel Clemente LaboreoSlides
11:30am–12:05pm L’Oréal Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal  Corporate Blended Learning and Open edXRaphaël DroissartSlides
11:30am–12:05pm Granby Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealIntegrating open edX with your Website or CMSSlides

11:30am–12:05pm Lévis Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealKeeping Maintenance Under Control - Contribute All The Changes!
11:30am–12:05pm Sherbrooke Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Openly Deploying Open edX at MIT Open LearningTobias Macey
1:25–2:10pm Lévis Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Lightning Talks: Analytics
1:25–2:10pm Rimouski Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Lightning Talks: Authoring
  • Krishan Meetoo
  • Christopher Schunke
  • Natalia Vynogradenko
  • Lars Walther

1:25–2:10pm L’Oréal Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Lightning Talks: Learner Experience
1:25–2:10pm Granby Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Lightning Talks: Real World
1:25–2:10pm Saint-Hyacinthe Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealLightning Talks: Teaching Tools

1:25–2:10pm Sherbrooke Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealLightning Talks: Technical
2:20–2:55pm L’Oréal Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Collaborative-based Personalization On Campus and OnlineZachary PardosSlides
2:20–2:55pm Lévis Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Course Recommendation Systems with Open edX DataSlides
2:20–2:55pm Sherbrooke Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Challenges of multi-tenant Open edXMaxi FernandezSlides
2:20–2:55pm Granby Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Navigating the Docker DevstackKshitij SobtiSlides
3:40–4:15pm Lévis Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Analytics from Scratch: Harnessing your data to learn from your learnersNick Ettlinger (Deactivated)SlidesVideo
3:40–4:15pm Sherbrooke Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Designing Tools to Scaffold Collaborative Learning within MOOCsSlidesVideo
3:40–4:15pm Granby Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealSSO in Open edXSergiy Movchan
3:40–4:15pm L’Oréal Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Using neuroscience to evaluate the influence of media richness on the cognitive and emotional engagement in MOOCsPierre-Majorique LégerSlidesVideo
4:25–5:00pm Sherbrooke Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal An instructional designer's POV : a love letter to Open edX and how to make it betterSlidesVideo
4:25–5:00pm L’Oréal Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealBuilding a scalable, blockchain-enabled multi-site skills network on Open edXIBMSlidesVideo
4:25–5:00pm Granby Room, Decelles Building, HEC Montreal Git Off My Lawn! or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the ForkSteven BurchSlidesVideo
4:25–5:00pm Lévis Room, Decelles Building, HEC MontrealMOOC-PILOT, MOOC Analytics: Students/Learners Automatic Follow-up AnalyticsMichel PlantiéSlidesVideo

Tutorials, workshops, etc.

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