2022-06-21 - Product WG meeting notes
Jun 21, 2022
@Jenna Makowski
@Faqir Bilal
@Andrés González
@Dean Jay Mathew
@Xavier Antoviaque
@Santiago Suarez
@Matej Grozdanović
@Edward Zarecor
@Shira Fruchtman
@Samuel Paccoud
Agenda/Discussion Topics:
What is one thing you’d like for this WG to do/have as a goal?
Discussion - key takeaways from Lisbon brainstorming
Defining a core product offering
Systematically simplifying the default offering
Possible subgroups/focus areas
Coordinating across all working groups
Reducing unintentional duplication
Start small - focus on small, predictable, complete-able project
Running Notes:
What do we want this Working Group to do?
Define a clear Core Product Offering
Provide clarity on what comes with a core Install and why
Eliminate noise, broken/obscure features
Choose a path for the product that works best for the community and set goals/targets/desired outcomes
Take a firm lead in product management across the ecosystem
Empower the community to own the project
Set clear parameters and framework for decision-making around product
Ensure product decisions are driven by user and market needs
Own a roadmap(s)
Facilitate collaboration on projects and reduce unintentional duplicative work
How do we want to work?
Immediately - prioritize small low effort/high ROI projects
Balance/don’t lose site of big picture strategy
Always incorporate/be driven by the point of view of the user
Need to define a governance model for the group
Model for decision-making, who makes decisions, what kinds of decisions, and when
Goals for next meeting:
Prior to the next meeting, circulate a brainstorm miro board that captures ideas for 1) short-term focus projects and 2) medium to long term projects
Prior to the next meeting, circulate a brainstorm doc to capture key decision points the WG would be involved in - incremental step toward defining a governance model