2022-08-016 - Product WG Meeting Notes


Agenda Items for 08-16:

Agenda Item



Notes/Next steps

Agenda Item



Notes/Next steps

Review action items from last meeting

@Jenna Makowski

Action items copied in section below


Priority Project Status Updates: Governance model

@Jenna Makowski



Priority Project Status Updates: Product Narrative

@Faqir Bilal @Santiago Suarez @Jenna Makowski



Priority Project Status Updates: PR Workflow Evaluation and Improvements

@Xavier Antoviaque



Product org at edX/2U - overview

@Ryan O'Connell

High level description of the re-org from the product POV.



@Dean Jay Mathew


Shift to next week


Goals/Next steps from last meeting (08-02):









Product Core Contributors

@Sarina Canelake

Discussion on proposal to kick off a Product Manager role:

Proposal open for community review and quick follow up at next meeting.

Core Product Offering Initiative -

@Kyle McCormick

tCRIL has been brainstorming about what a Core Product Offering might look like vis-a-vis a core platform offering/tech core. Let’s have an informal chat as a precursor to the initiative to define a Core Product Offering as stipulated in the WG Charter as a core WG responsibility. https://lucid.app/lucidchart/84a2f62c-2ed9-4f03-8222-42c326a19257/edit?invitationId=inv_98b3a38a-dd5f-49d4-9cf9-9fa816fbb95f&page=0_0#?referringapp=slack

Share the product+tech core visual in wiki and open for feedback, comments. This is a big topic and one we should have a regular touchpoint for, perhaps each meeting or in a focus group context.