2022-07-19 - Product WG Meeting Notes
@Faqir Bilal
@Wajahat Abbas
@Dean Jay Mathew
@George Babey (Deactivated)
@Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)
@Shelly Upton
@Xavier Antoviaque
@Ryan O'Connell
@Santiago Suarez
@Samuel Paccoud
@Ghassan Maslamani
@Jenna Makowski
@Edward Zarecor
@Sarina Canelake
@Kyle McCormick
Goals/Next steps from last meeting (07-05):
Goal: Get to a Working Group Charter and governance model
Next steps: Jenna to take a first pass at drafting a charter based on group input
Goal: Get to a prioritized short-list of 2-3 short-term, small but high ROI projects that the group can grease the wheels on
Next steps: Faqir volunteered to organize the raw Miro Board into short project briefs
Agenda Items for 07-19:
Agenda Item | Presenter | Description | Notes/Next steps |
Governance and Charter | @Jenna Makowski |
| Next steps - Get draft text into Wiki and open for next two weeks for in-line commentary, questions, feedback. Discuss outstanding concerns synch/1:1 where needed over next two weeks, and aim to “ratify” by next meeting. Discuss plan to test drive and iterate. It’s not a static document. Wiki version available: Product working group Charter |
Project Brief Overview | @Faqir Bilal | Faqir to lead discussion on translating the idea board into project briefs. Discuss next steps for building backlog/prioritizing. | Consensus that the proposed template for project briefs works well. Soft prioritization of the following briefs against the North Star Goal to Define a Core Product Offering:
And continued prioritization of Idea Board Project Briefs | 1. Governance model for the Product Working Group Next steps: The goal is to fully flesh the above 3 product briefs by the next meeting. Interested Members can add their names and pair asynchronously. |
BTR and Product | @Dean Jay Mathew @Kyle McCormick @Ghassan Maslamani |
| General interest in aligning BTR workflows with Product input. Next goal is to flesh Idea Board Project Briefs | 6. Provide support to other working groups
To cover next time:
4. ALU project - context and call for user reviewers: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OEPM/pages/3470196737
5. Item from a previous meeting: Insights from different partners about key challenges/opportunities from the organizations/industries that they work with/in (segmented by verticals or use cases: L&D, higher ed, etc.)
6. Two ideas for subsequent meetings:
-Sarina/Jenna to present on ideas for Product Manager Core Contributor program
-Kyle/Jenna to present/workshop on ideas/model for Core Product Offering and its intersection with Tech Core