Large Instances - DevOps Sub-Working Group


Large Instances - DevOps Sub-Working Group


Cooperate on deploying and maintaining large or multi-sites Open edX instances.


@Braden MacDonald @Felipe Montoya

GitHub Issues/Projects

  • Issue tracking

  • Technical discussion


  • Announcements

  • General discussion

The Sites Operators category of the forum, shared with the rest of the DevOps working groups.

(Historically, the Collaborative Proposals category had been used.)


  • Status updates

  • Questions

Joining via



  • Demos/sharing

  • Open discussion

All public Working Group meetings follow the



The goal of the working group is to cooperate on the deployment and maintenance of large or multi-sites Open edX instances.

Historically, such collaboration was done through the edx-configuration repository, which was maintained as the main deployment method for Open edX by edX. Following the deprecation of the edx-configuration repository, there is no such common ground for collaboration on the deployment of large instances of Open edX. Tutor took over a part of the official deployment process, but focuses on small instances and immediate ease of use, leaving aside the specificity of larger instances. As a result, many Open edX operators and providers have redeveloped custom solutions, often duplicating the work and its maintenance.

This working group is a place where community members come to put their resources in common, to collaborate on the development of solutions specific to running large or multi-site instances, and share its direction and maintenance.

Current Projects

Helm Charts for Deploying Multiple Open edX Instances on Kubernetes

Leads: @Braden MacDonald @Felipe Montoya

GitHub - openedx-k8s-harmony - Helm Chart for Deploying Multiple Open edX Instances via Tutor on Kubernetes

Possible Future Projects

These are things we have discussed, but don’t have anyone actively working on.

  • Karpenter support

  • Tutor improvements - Are there issues or blockers that people face with Tutor, which wouldn't already be addressed by the current initiative?

Latest News

Updated: 2023-11-02 (last meeting was 2023-10-31)

  • All providers shared updates on advancing their containerization and Kubernetes strategies.

  • 2U is testing devspace as a development environment for Kubernetes. Working on extracting Codejail to an external service.

  • OpenCraft and Axim are testing a system for provisioning sandboxes on kubernetes when a PR is opened to repos like edx-platform (for a limited subset of PRs).



Anyone who participates in the Larges Instances working group is considered a member. There are several ways you can participate:

  • Chat with us on Slack or the Open edX forums.

  • Discuss or review issues and PRs related to Helm Charts for Open edX.

  • Join the meetups.

  • Take on issues yourself.

Active Members

  • @Andrés González

  • @Braden MacDonald

  • @Daniel Streby (Deactivated)

  • @Felipe Montoya

  • @Gábor Boros

  • @Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)

  • @Jhony Avella

  • @John Nagro (Deactivated)

  • @Keith Grootboom

  • @Lawrence McDaniel

  • @Matjaz Gregoric

  • @Moisés González

  • @Pierre Mailhot

  • @Régis Behmo

Inactive/Past Members

Thanks for your help!

  • @Adam Blackwell (Deactivated)

  • @Kelly Buchanan