2025-02-13 Meeting notes

2025-02-13 Meeting notes

All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings


Feb 13, 2025


  • @Feanil Patel

Previous TODOs

 Discussion topics







Repos Still in need of Maintainers



  • Team now exists.

  • Feanil will be announcing the team and seeking folks to add to it.

    • Arbi-bom folks will be added per previous discussions

 Action items

@Feanil Patel Update fronted-component-header and footer to be owned by committers-frontend
@Feanil Patel Add notes about expected effort over a 6-month period for the repos that are left.
@Jeremy Ristau Find out if we’re still using the repo-health tooling and related repos. edx-repo-health, pytest-repo-health and pytest-warnings-report and perhaps find a maintainer.
@Jeremy Ristau follow up on edx-platform dependencies that are edx.org specific: edx/brand-edx.org, edx/braze-client, and edx/edx-name-affirmation

Recording and Transcript

Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15vuUEine8rDh8LbQKkALH64XDZdjA4PB/view?usp=sharing

Maintenance Working Group Meeting - 2025/02/13 08:58 EST - Transcript


Adolfo Brandes, Awais Qureshi, Feanil Patel, Feanil Patel's Presentation, MEHAR USAMA, Nihad Rahim, Robert Raposa, Sarina Canelake, Zameel Hassan


Awais Qureshi: Hello morning. Hi Fel. How are you?

Feanil Patel: It's busy over there.

Feanil Patel: How are you doing? You guys have any items for the agenda today?

Awais Qureshi: Good. Hi Robert.

Robert Raposa: Hello. Sorry, had a mouthful of water.

Feanil Patel: People otherwise I might just give you your time back. we don't have a lot to discuss until the next major maintenance which is coming up in two months. there is a thing we could just

Adolfo Brandes: Thank you.

Feanil Patel: Just waiting a couple more minutes for people to get in.

Feanil Patel: We'll get started at 9:05.

Feanil Patel: Okay, let's get going. yeah, I have sort of two topics to talk about. The first one is we're doing pretty well. quick update on the repo maintainership is that we're doing really well. There is still 60 or so repos that still need maintainers. Not sure if you can actually see any of this. Let make that a little bigger.


Feanil Patel: But if you're listening to this later or if you have people that can help with this, a lot of the repos that are left are backend things Python libraries that need maintainers. there's a couple of front end things that actually had a question on them. Maybe Adalfo you can answer which is the component header and footer.  I feel like there was a bunch of movement happening in the header and footer stuff space and I'm wondering if that should have an independent maintainer from front end all or front end all should maintain those because I know that's part of the work for the module federation stuff.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, I'd be more comfortable…

Adolfo Brandes: if front end all would continue to maintain those for a while …

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Adolfo Brandes: until front end base is out area and then the question becomes who maintains front and base …

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Right.

Adolfo Brandes: which will continue to be us or…

Feanil Patel: Okay. Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: slashall for a while.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. if it's all and these repos go away, that's kind of great. But it sounds like maybe it makes sense for front end all to be the maintainer of these two repos.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, for now. Yeah, definitely.

Feanil Patel: In that case,…

Feanil Patel: can I ask you to update their catalog files?

Adolfo Brandes: Sure.

Adolfo Brandes: Whatever you prefer.

Feanil Patel: Or I can tag you on a couple of PRs if that's easier.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah. Deal.

Feanil Patel: Why don't I tag you on some PRs?

Feanil Patel: You approve them rge. or…

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, I think that's the correct name.

Feanil Patel: committers front end I guess. Is that the name? okay cool. I will do that. other than that there's a lot of Python libraries back here.

Feanil Patel: most of them I think are not a high cost thing to maintain, but we do need to find maintainers for them. So, there are places where people can take one or two and make sure they stay up to date. That's super useful. Most of these, I think, they don't even have Django related things in there, so they are pretty easy to keep up to date. but yeah.

Feanil Patel: as a meal.

Zameel Hassan: Hey.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. So, I was just saying that we're currently looking for maintainers for various Python libraries. we've got a couple more that need maintainers. So, if people have capacity or know of people who have capacity, are you watching this video and you want to help, these are the repos to help with. and…

Feanil Patel: other than that, I think we're making good progress. There's also the other strategy that I've Go ahead, Robert. Mhm.

Robert Raposa: I'm wondering for ones that you think are reasonably easy…

Robert Raposa: if could do a little bit of just reviewing past commits and getting more clear on over six months here's the type of work that you could expect…

Robert Raposa: which is very simple and it's very simple when it's spread out and it's less simple when it's not kind of thing. to help to sell it more. yeah.

Feanil Patel: God, I got it.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah, maybe I'll add some notes on the ones that are left and review sort of the amount of maintenance that I expect to have there. okay. Yeah, that sounds good.

Feanil Patel: there's also a lot of X blocks back here that have worked and don't need a lot of changes. and there's a couple of repos that I have questions on which is there's a couple of the piest repo health and the edex repo health stuff. Robert, do you know if you still using those? Are those actively maintained?


Robert Raposa: I do not know, but we can do you want to just add something to the notes and…

Robert Raposa: or an action item? Yeah, thank you.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Hello.

Robert Raposa: Yeah. Thank you.

Feanil Patel: high test warnings report I have no context on at the moment so I'm curious go ahead

MEHAR USAMA: Yes I wanted to add that fire test repo health and repo health are doing the go right now as well. So in our internal work we are still utilizing repo base code.

MEHAR USAMA: Yes discussing yes we are using repo health.

Feanil Patel: You're pretty hard to hear,…

Feanil Patel: but I think you said that you guys are using these repos right now. Okay. Okay.

MEHAR USAMA: So generating the report still uses these repos because the scripts are divided multiple reps right now.  We could do some impro improvements over the process where we can gather the scripture one place. Yep.

Feanil Patel: If you guys are using these, can you guys take on maintainership of them?

Feanil Patel: because I don't know if anybody else that's using them or if it's unclear how I know we've used them in the past but I don't know how I think they'll probably come in handy for the Django stuff and it would be good to have somebody…

Feanil Patel: who can answer questions and I think that's you probably I'll leave this action item with you then.

Robert Raposa: I'll take it back to Jeremy and…

Robert Raposa: it sounds reasonable and I'll just discuss with my. cool. Yeah. Thank you.

Feanil Patel: That sounds Okay. Yeah. And the other thing I did want to bring up is there's a couple of repos that are currently in the edex platform dependencies. and those would be really useful to get out of the edex platform dependencies in the defaults.

Feanil Patel: So I did want to raise those here because while they have sort of implicit maintainership I don't think they need to be installed by default in the next platform.  So yeah. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: Can you just give me another action item if you don't mind? Happy to follow up. Thank you.

Feanil Patel: Okay, cool. yeah, I think that's all I have. Does anybody else have anything to say about the maintainers? at about 70% of repos are maintained. and almost all the high priority ones are maintained at this point. So, we're doing really good and…

Zameel Hassan: Hey Fel I just had one question.

Feanil Patel: we'll get a better Yeah.

Zameel Hassan: So I just want to ask about the LTI component right there is this X block of LTI.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Zameel Hassan: So who is maintaining that?  Can I may know that

Feanil Patel: So currently for us has been doing a bunch of maintenance and I'm actually about to nominate him to maintain that component based on the work that he's been doing there. so I think he's with Edley


Zameel Hassan: Yeah, I was just going through the course authoring MF and I found that there was some roads for the live events that are happening inside a course and I wanted to see if there's any things that should be added to the X block in order for that to work.

Zameel Hassan: Okay.

Feanil Patel: So yeah,…

Feanil Patel: so FAZ has been doing a lot of work in that space. so he's probably the person to talk to. But yeah, I think basically today or…

Zameel Hassan: Yeah. I'll try to get it.

Feanil Patel: tomorrow I'm going to write up his nomination for that repo because he's got enough prior art there now that he's in the spreadsheet if you should be able to access it.

Zameel Hassan: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: Cool. Does anybody else have any questions?

Feanil Patel: the next item I have is the maintainers at large scheme which now exists. I'm going to be announcing and seeking folks to add to it. A reminder, this is essentially a team that will get right access to everything only to do maintenance work that we direct. So, that is written down on our maintenance board as things that are planned.  So if it's work outside of that and this access gets used, we'll have to revoke it. but for maintenance work that is planned or maintenance work that's clearly part of our mandate updating package files and doing new releases of requirements. That's all stuff that this team would be allowed to do.

Feanil Patel: and the plan right now is that the RB bomb team would be added to that group to start off with because they've been helping with maintenance across all of our repos already. and then others can join that group if they want to. on that. else?  I think those are all the items we have for today. Do you have any questions on the maintainers at large or in that case I think we can call the meeting pretty early.

Feanil Patel: Robert, Oasis, do you have any discussions around EdX platform specifically that you want to stay on the line for?

Robert Raposa: I don't have any

Awais Qureshi: No, no. No.

Feanil Patel: Wait, do you have All In that case, I think we'll just call the whole meeting early. You guys can get some time back. for those of us you join late, we're in a quiet space because there's not a lot of maintenance planned for this next release. but starting in March and April, we'll be discussing a lot more of the Django upgrade and I think we'll probably have a lot more to talk about at that point. and a lot more to coordinate. So, just FYI, if the meeting seems pretty quiet, that's why. usually it's a lot longer because there's a lot more to discuss.

Feanil Patel: but if we don't need to. So, thank you everybody and have a good day.

Awais Qureshi: Thank you. Bye-bye.

Meeting ended after 00:19:11 👋

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