2025-02-06 Meeting notes

2025-02-06 Meeting notes

All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings


Feb 6, 2025


  • @Feanil Patel

Previous TODOs

 Discussion topics







Core Contrbutor On-boarding


  • Re: Individual CLAs

    • As a new CC you need a personal CLA even if you have an entity CLA through your current organization.

    • You are joining the CC program as an individual not as a part of the organization you currently work for.

Maintiners at Large

  • Waiting on some PR reviwe for the team to be created and added to all relevant repos.

    • Arbi-bom will be added to this group once it exists and we will open doors for others to be nominated to be a part of this group.



Aximprovements Board https://github.com/orgs/openedx/projects/55

 Action items

@Sarina Canelake Update the on-boarding course to link to the off-boarding docs and explain when you need to use them.
@Kyle McCormick Make a forum post about https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/issues/35308 to prep people.

Recording and Transcripts

Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bvCdNsVQOyfPd_PhQTLAzzpguh74KzdA/view?usp=sharing

Maintenance Working Group Meeting - 2025/02/06 08:59 EST - Transcript


Feanil Patel, Feanil Patel's Presentation, Jeremy Ristau, Kyle McCormick, Robert Raposa, Sarina Canelake


Feanil Patel: Morning.

Robert Raposa: Good morning for now.

Robert Raposa: I'm going through the core contributors course. there's the whole legal checklist for the CLA, but there's nothing in there as an option of hey, if you are working for an organization, just skip this or you do.

Feanil Patel: Mhm. right?

Feanil Patel: You need to do it at even if you're working for an organization yet.

Robert Raposa: I thought we different information back.

Feanil Patel: No, you need personal CLA for the core…

Robert Raposa: So, we need personal let me make sure that let me check…

Feanil Patel: 

Feanil Patel: because of the core contributor program. It is different from simple entity cla.

Robert Raposa: if I either read our internal thread wrong or not. But

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Because it should say that in the course like that as a core contributor you need to sign the CLA as an individual as well.

Robert Raposa: It worked. Yeah, it's sort of in there but

Robert Raposa: not as obvious as I would I would think. but okay but also less obvious when I thought I read a Slack conversation internally that said we don't need to.

Robert Raposa: So, let me at least correct that if that Okay,…

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For the core contributor program, you need to sign in personal CLA, even if your company has an entity CLA.

Robert Raposa: that's great. Thank you.

Feanil Patel: Sounds busy. Jeremy, we were just getting started. Robert was just asking about the core contributor onboarding and individual CLA's. we do not have a snow day here. But also, the snow is just barely starting here now. but we were just talking about the individual CLA's.

Jeremy Ristau: Except


Feanil Patel: And even if you haven't entered CLA, just to clarify, as a part of the core contributor program, you do need to sign an individual CLA as the new core contributor. So, I just make sure that people inside to you are aware of that. And I think Robert is now checking to find the internal thread and clarifying. Yeah,…

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, we got the wording updated too when you go to openedex.org it does indicate that if you are joining the CC program you need to be signing it.

Feanil Patel: Robert was saying it was kind of vague in the course. So maybe we can improve the wording there as well.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, I'd love suggestions on improving the wording. specifically the wording was agreed to by Axom Legal.

Sarina Canelake: So it's clear to me. So if it's not clear to other people, I'd love some feedback on what could be clearer.

Feanil Patel: Or maybe you could send a link to the page and…

Feanil Patel: the words that could be better to Serena.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, you can just send it to me in Slack.

Robert Raposa: Hey, that sounds good.

Sarina Canelake: It's fine. Yeah, it's nice to see things with new eyes.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Other than that, I don't think we have any major maintenance updates at the moment. there is I guess the other big thing is I'm waiting for a PR review to roll out the maintainers at large group. and I believe the current members of Arbomb should be nominated for that one or get added to that one. Is that right Jeremy?

Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, that's correct. Harvey B.

Robert Raposa: Just a quick question on the CLA.

Robert Raposa: Because in terms of wording the whole idea of an organization, of someone having any sort of CLA through an organization, is that an outdated concept that doesn't actually exist anymore or is that also a thing?

Feanil Patel: Yeah. That is also a thing.

Feanil Patel: So the CLA lets you start contributing even from your own forks. but the sort of individual CLA is attached to your core contributor status because that is attached to you not to your organization.

Robert Raposa: But both things do exist. Okay. Okay.

Feanil Patel: Both things do exist and both things need to exist.

Robert Raposa: Great. Thanks.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, I think something that should be clear is that by offboarding from 2U,…

Sarina Canelake: you do not offboard from the CC program. if you're leaving a company and also you want to leave the CC program, you need to indicate that when you leave because the CC is tied to you, the core contributor program agreement is between Robert and Axom.  It's not between two two and axom.

Feanil Patel: Wait a second.

Robert Raposa: And should I expect something in the course about offboarding and what you just mentioned or is that's a good idea for the course?

Sarina Canelake: the latter.

Robert Raposa: Okay, sounds good. Thank you for clarifying that. Yeah, I think it's just for any of these pieces…

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, I think in the core contributor program agreement text itself, there is something about about terminating the agreement. so I'd recommend reading the text of the agreement that you're sent. and if it makes sense, if the text of that agreement isn't in the course and it would be helpful to do so, maybe we can do that as well.


Robert Raposa: where you are working for a company and you're doing all of this stuff because you're working at that company clarifying

Robert Raposa: the difference between the two and things like what you just said where because for most people it'll be like I'm just doing all these things because I have to do them as part of working at my company and it just wouldn't occur to me that I have to undo them if I don't plan on continuing this after I leave the company and

Sarina Canelake: And I think I would definitely point out that to you guys are approaching this from a different perspective. I think when we've talked about core contributorship with the rest of the community, they've entered it not as an obligation of their employer necessarily. there are plenty of people who work at OpenCraft and Raccoon Gang and stuff who contribute to the open edex platform who are not core contributors. So it is a little bit of a different situation I think when an entire company is being on boarded as core contributors. So those clarifications I think do make sense…

Sarina Canelake: but definitely approach the course from the perspective of the different class of people have been taking this course previously.

Robert Raposa: I Cool.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. So, there's definitely improvements you can make I think clarifying you need to offboard yourself is a good idea. because not everybody will think of offboarding themselves from an external organization.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, and we have those instructions in the wiki.

Feanil Patel: We just need to link it. can I assign you an action item to update the course to link to the wine?

Robert Raposa: Thank you.

Sarina Canelake: Yes.

Feanil Patel: Come on.  Okay. yeah. Does anybody have anything else?

Sarina Canelake: Snow day.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, it's snow day. Everybody go get some hot cocoa. I think that's probably all we Is there any X platform stuff? Robert, if you want to stick around for a second, I can talk through the settings changes. Kyle made a new ticket, but if you have any questions on that,…

Feanil Patel: we can talk through that. But if you're good on that front.

Robert Raposa: It might be useful to …

Robert Raposa: because I saw the ticket and I saw the test but I did not look in detail at the test and I don't know…

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: if there's a way for you to give a five minute overview of here's where we started and here's where we're trying to get to. Or maybe it's already at the bottom or…

Robert Raposa: some summary of where

Feanil Patel: So I think yeah I can give you a quick summary…

Feanil Patel: which I think is maybe not in here other than the idea of simplification but what that means I think right now is that we want to be able to make I think one of the sort of outcomes that we're looking for is a  PI that can work for both tutor and for local bare metal development and potentially for dev stacks with small modifications. that is mostly only overriding things that are development centric. right now that's not the case with the devstack.py and the docker devstack.py and all these other files.

Feanil Patel: The other thing we're doing is that over time a lot of defaults have sort of made their way into production.py and not propagated up to common. and so we want to sort of detangle the production.py so that defaults do in fact live in common. And then the third thing that we're doing is currently common.py depends on LMS's common.py which is slightly unexpected and…


Feanil Patel: can cause side effects that people don't expect because you wouldn't think would change CMS defaults necessarily.

Robert Raposa: Cool.

Feanil Patel: And so we are going to add a new open edex and common file that both of them depend on that is at actual shared settings. and what we expect is that that's actually where most of the settings definitions will live and all the annotations will live. And then the LMS and CMS comments will just turn things on or off based on what they need.

Robert Raposa: And then is the ticket around the logging is that in here?

Feanil Patel: It's not in here yet. Yeah, I would make a ticket for that.

Robert Raposa: Should we mention it here or we just keeping it in our minds of hey once this is done yeah I hope that there is a ticket so it was more just yeah,…

Feanil Patel: I don't know if I would attach it to this. I think it's like one of the things that gets unlocked when this becomes simpler is to examine that becomes a lot simpler. I feel like they're Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: If there's a ticket,…

Feanil Patel: Let me see.

Kyle McCormick: feel free to link it in here.

Kyle McCormick: I don't know exactly where it falls in the ordering because it's one of those things we have to start doing to figure out, but that is one of the desired value ads is making lot less of a nightmare for operators.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: that would be and thank you for the summary and it's super exciting.

Robert Raposa: Thank you for the work as well. Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, thanks for supporting the roll

Robert Raposa: I'm also going to look so let me know…

Robert Raposa: if you find said I don't know…

Feanil Patel: It looks like we might not have a ticket yet.

Feanil Patel: There's a simplified login config item in the architectural road map which has linked to a

Robert Raposa: if I mean it's possible that

Robert Raposa: It's possible that it's just a discuss topic. so let me look therely

Feanil Patel: house. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's worth linking to this as a potential follow on section or something.

Feanil Patel: I mean, at least wrote it down in text and then if there's a link, we can update that. Yes.

Robert Raposa: Got I have an internal document that probably it's a mix of stuff. So here I'm just to put two links in the chat. So I don't think there's anything open and recent. But if we create a new issue, it could refer to these two links as well.

Robert Raposa: But those are the two links that I have of past discussions and around this Yep.

Robert Raposa: I know you missed it.

Feanil Patel: I was gonna say it's been a long time…

Feanil Patel: since I've heard about this. Yeah.  So I think we're sort of starting to move in that direction a little bit and we've started on an ADR to sort of capture a lot of those decisions that I just summarized in video. so hopefully we'll have a written version of that soon. and then we're going to start working on the CMS production.py so that we can simplify it in the same way we did the LMS next.  I think because we realize we need both of them to be simple before we can start extracting the higher level stuff out of it.


Robert Raposa: Yeah, cool.

Feanil Patel: But this is definitely when all of the other high priority stuff is blocked task to sort of give you guys prioritization.

Robert Raposa: Actually, speaking of which, is there a project for Axom improvements team that could be watched just for …

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: here's…

Robert Raposa: what you're up to and prioritizing? And is this work on that or is this work separate from that because it's kind of

Feanil Patel: Yeah, this work is separate from that,…

Feanil Patel: but this is the X improvements project and I'll put it on the Yeah.

Robert Raposa: Yep.

Kyle McCormick: This is fail and Kyle improvements.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. This is Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: A team that's welcome to grow in size if anybody is interested.

Feanil Patel: We're taking new members. Yeah, we're still workshopping the name. So if you have suggestions,…

Feanil Patel: send them our way.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, I wasn't sure…

Sarina Canelake: how to spell Neil,…

Sarina Canelake: but your spelling it's Killil, but I just want Kneel and Yeah, we'll keep working on it.

Feanil Patel: It's tricky.

Feanil Patel: But yeah, that's the board for the X improvements work. which they're mostly focusing on the Xlock extractions out of edex platform which is also good stuff for you guys to be aware of and…

Feanil Patel: other sort of cleanups and improvements across the board. some Yeah.

Robert Raposa: Speaking of the old deer question,…

Robert Raposa: is the Xbox thing trackable via a deer?

Kyle McCormick: I wasn't thinking of it as a deprecation but there is a top level story in edex platform for Xlock extraction.

Robert Raposa: Yeah. Got it.

Feanil Patel: 

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not a deer since I think we're going for complete feature parody just refactoring.

Robert Raposa: But I thought it doesn't need to be a deer, but I thought it was a sort of expand contract. is it really all in place?

Kyle McCormick: It is expand contract but the expansion is to allow for testing rather than to allow for migration…

Robert Raposa: Got it.

Kyle McCormick: if that makes sense.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: Got Okay, cool. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: At the end of this, in theory, when all of the testing related flags are removed, just that we've added a library and removed some code from EdX platform, but none of the functionality should change at all.

Robert Raposa: Kyle,…

Feanil Patel: and just makes major architectural improvements as a side effect.

Robert Raposa: maybe you could Keep it in mind for your examples of things that wouldn't require a deer…

Kyle McCormick: Okay, we'll add it to the corpus of ambiguous refactorings.

Robert Raposa: if it…

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: if it makes sense. Exactly.

Feanil Patel: 

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Other than that, I think those are sort of the major edex platform related changes that are not fun contribution related that are happening that are sort of like architectural.

Robert Raposa: actually any idea from a timing perspective how close we are to on the Xbox front to stuff where going to want to be careful with its overridden Xbox

Kyle McCormick: Why don't we get a list of flags now that you can set the false and that way when we toggle them true, it's not an issue. They are in there. if you give me an action item,…


Feanil Patel: This should all be in here.

Kyle McCormick: I can turn it into a little forum post since I want MIT to see this, too.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: Anything else? All right.

Feanil Patel: All right.

Jeremy Ristau: Thanks everybody.

Feanil Patel: I'll let you all go.

Jeremy Ristau: a good one.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Have a good one.

Meeting ended after 00:26:09 👋

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